Implementation of ELO (the Obligatory Logistics Envelope): calendar, scope, and operator guides

Implementation of ELO (the Obligatory Logistics Envelope): calendar, scope, and operator guides

A new online service, ELO (the Obligatory Logistics Envelope) will be made available from 1 April 2025. There will be a five month transitional period ending on 1 September 2025, after which ELO will become mandatory. ELO will exist in parallel with the smart border system and will offer a dedicated interface for operators ; ELO will not replace the SI Brexit.



Transition to ELO

There will be no period of dual operation: the current logistics envelope will no longer be available after the implementation of ELO on 1 April 2025. This transition needs to be anticipated now, in particular by contacting your partners to identify the person or entities who will have all the necessary information to create an ELO (ENS references and information on the goods loaded in a lorry).

Scope of the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO)

The scope of the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO) is strictly limited to the Smart Border between France and the United Kingdom. It applies exclusively to roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) transport, whether accompanied or unaccompanied, and whether empty or full.

Please note that ELO will only be used for the consolidation of the customs references necessary to cross the Brexit Smart Border and will not integrate or replace any UK customs formalities. A GMR will still be necessary to cross the UK Border.

Conditions for Using ELO

The use of the ELO for full lorries carrying goods covered by an ENS will only be possible for operators who have migrated to ICS2. However, it will be possible to use ELO without restriction for empty lorries and for exports in the France-UK direction starting 1 April 2025.

It is therefore also necessary to anticipate the migration of safety-security formalities into ICS2 in order to be able to use ELO.

Support and Available Resources

To support operators in this transition, documentary resources and a user guide will shortly be made available on a future webpage.

In addition, ELO will be made available in DTI mode and EDI mode. An EDI certification guide will be published as the deployment of ELO approaches.

Information Webinars

Information webinars have been organised for operators, in French on 17 February and in English on 18 February. The recordings of these sessions can be viewed via the links below: