The obligation to declare cash, securities and valuables

Mise à jour le 14/01/2022

Above a specific threshold, you must declare cash, securities and valuables to French Customs.


The obligation to declare cash, securities and valuables

Above a specific threshold, you must declare cash, securities and valuables to French Customs.
Sums of money (cash or cheques), securities (shares, bonds, etc.) or valuables in an amount equal to or greater than €10,000 (or its foreign currency equivalent) carried by an individual must be declared to French Customs, which carries out controls in this area. The goal is to combat the laundering of the proceeds from illegal activities, particularly drug trafficking.

There are two parts to the French system for monitoring physical flows of capital:

  • A European part based on Regulation (EC) 1889/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on controls of cash entering or leaving the Community. The regulation is applicable to transfers of cash from or to non-EU Member States (extra-Community transfers).
  • A domestic part based on Article L.152-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, codified in Article 464 of the French Customs Code, which governs intra-Community transfers of cash.

Failure to declare sums and false declarations are punishable under Article 465 of the Customs Code, by a fine equal to 50 per cent of the sum to which the offence or attempted offence pertains, together with confiscation of the entire amount by French Customs.

What you must declare

You must declare to French Customs negotiable instruments that are in bearer form or endorsable as well as cash.

In particular, you must declare the following securities and valuables:

  • Coins and banknotes
  • Bearer cheques
  • Traveller's cheques
  • Cheques for which the drawer is not the beneficiary

  • Non-domiciled commercial papers

  • Non-domiciled letters of credit

  • Anonymous bearer bonds

  • Money orders

  • Securities, bearer bonds and other negotiable debt papers in bearer form or endorsable

You must declare the following only during physical cross-border transfers to or from an EU country:

  • Casino plaques, chips and vouchers, digital currency and gold exchange-traded products

Types of transfers that require you to make a declaration

Transfers from France to:

  • Non-EU countries
  • The European Union

Transfers to France from:

  • Non-EU countries
  • The European Union

You must also make a declaration during any transfers to and from Monaco.

Under the current regulations, you are not required to declare interbank transfers.

Who must declare

All individuals (whether French residents or not) must comply with the obligation to declare.

Please note: Do not agree to carry luggage or objects for a stranger!

Transfers on behalf of a third party.
Your declaration must be accompanied by elements identifying the owner of the cash, securities and valuables being carried (whether an individual or legal entity).

How to fill in your declaration

You must use cerfa form 13426 to make your declaration.

It contains space for the following information:

  • The declarant's first and last names, place and date of birth, civil status and nationality

  • The amount, type and source of the funds and their intended use

  • The status, company name, first names, VAT number and full address of the recipient of the amounts, other than the declarant

  • The intended recipient of the cash, securities or valuables

  • The route being taken and the means of transport

Where and when to file your declaration

A declaration can be submitted by the person transporting the funds:

  • To French Customs, at the time of entry into or exit from French territory

  • Online, via DALIA, the online declaration service, at the soonest 30 days before the transfer date and at the latest before crossing the border. To do so, you must create a user account on

You may also submit your declaration cerfa form 13426 by post, but this option is expected to be phased out. It should be postmarked no later than five days prior to the start of your trip, together with an envelope with the address to which you would like the stamped declaration to be sent. It should be sent to:

  • The Regional Customs Directorate for the declarant's place of residence, if you live in France
  • the Direction interrégionale des douanes et droits indirects de Roissy, Aéroport Charles de Gaulle, rue du Signe, 95701 Roissy, if you live abroad.

We urge you to use Dalia, the online declaration service!

Please note: you cannot regularise your status by filing a declaration after the fact.

DALIA, for your online declarations

Are you planning to travel with cash, securities or valuables worth more than €10,000? You must declare them to customs.

Save time and declare online!


  • French Monetary and Financial Code: Articles L.152-1 to L.152-6; Articles R.152-6 to R.152-10
  • French Customs Code: Articles 464 and 465
  • Decree 2012-1182 of 23 October 2012 amending Books I and VII of the Regulatory Section of the French Monetary and Financial Code

  • The Order of 7 November 2012  authorising the introduction of an automated processing system named "Dalia" and amending the Order of 1 July 2003 creating an enforcement information system
  • Order of 7 November 2012, issued pursuant to Articles R.152-9, R.721-6, R.731-7, R.741-9, R.751-9 and R.761-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

  • Regulation (EC) 1889/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on controls of cash entering or leaving the Community

Please note:

  • The Official Customs Bulletin 6826 of 30 June 2009 has been repealed.